Inspired by the shame of having to order an enormously large sized dress for my friend's wedding, I have decided to become a runner in order to lose the baby (and ice cream!) weight. Join me in my journey as I strive to have the type of thighs that will fit into an outrageously priced pair of jeans.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Okay, so I know what you are thinking.  This girl has been working out SO hard that she has no time whatsoever to blog.  And I sincerely thank you for the vote of confidence.  The truth, however, is that I have fallen off the working out bandwagon...luckily, my butt is big enough to cushion the fall. 

Since I began neglecting my workouts, I have been called out by no less than three people, broken down in front of my husband twice, and bought one bucket of frozen margaritas in which to drown my self pity, because if you are fat, you might as well enjoy every last calorie. 

So once again, I will be starting over in this journey to fit into a fabulous pair of jeans.  I would love if you could help me out by posting the name of one of your favorite workout songs.  I will download them to my Ipod as motivation to get back out there.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Not So EasyTone

For my birthday, I requested a pair of Reebok EasyTone sneakers.  I find them to be much more pleasing on the eye than the geriatric looking Sketchers Shape-ups (sorry to those of you who own a pair!)

If I had known then that I was about to embark on a quest to become a runner, I most likely would have asked for the RunTones; but alas, I must make do. So I strapped them on and set out for Day 2 of running.  Reebok claims that the shoes will make you feel as though you are running on sand, but when you are as out of shape as I am, it's more like running through a swamp.  I'm pretty sure my calves were about to boycott the entire workout. 

By the eighth repetition of running/walking, I looked like a dying antelope and was about to run out of motivation.  So I pose this question to you:  What makes you keep going when you feel like giving up?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My Milkshake Brings All The Boys

For those of you have ever tried Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, you know that it is 18 grueling minutes of your life.  Tonight's workout was Level 1, during which Jillian asked us beginners to watch the insanely fit girl on the right for a modified (aka: this is for those of you who pant going up one flight of stairs) version of the workout.  Although I struggled through, that is not the point of this post.

The point is this:  If I were to make a workout video, I would employ two slightly plump girls like myself to stand on either side of me.  That way, all the girls at home would not feel inadequate as their thighs rubbed, their belly swayed, and their booty clapped.

A Double Scoop with a Cherry on Top

In my previous post, dated April 28, I promised that I would start running the next Monday.  It is now Wednesday, May 25th and I am once again reminded how easy it is to keep putting off workouts.  The house is a mess, the baby is screaming, my 3 year old wants her 10th cup of juice.  However, yesterday, after my third cup of coffee, I made up my mind.  Today was the day I was going to run.  By the time I had dropped my daughter off at daycare, changed and fed the baby, and speed cleaned the house, I was ready.  Unfortunately, by then it was already 83 degrees outside.  But no, I had made a promise to myself that I intended to keep. 

So I loaded the car seat into my double stroller (worth noting: NOT a jogging stroller), grabbed my phone to use as a timer, put my headphones into place and set out.  For the first workout, the Couch to 5K Running Plan suggests one minute of walking, one minute of running for 8 repetitions.  By the third repetition, I had lost count.  By the fifth (or maybe it was fourth, quite possibly the sixth), my thighs were burning with such intensity I thought they might spontaneously combust.  By the seventh, I was sure I was going to pass out.  I will blame it on the heat, but I'm sure it is the fact that I am completely out of shape.  As I rounded the corner for home, I had a limp that could rival Verbal Kint from the film The Usual Suspects.  I was able to complete my first attempt at running, although I think I will rename the program "Couch to a Slow Jog" plan. 

For the rest of the evening, I felt so accomplished.  So healthy.  That is, until my husband suggested Friendly's for dinner.  Well, the workout part is on track.  I guess I'll leave the healthy eating for another day.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Am I Crazy?!

Who decides to begin a new exercise program a few days after Easter?  Everywhere I turn there is a brightly colored egg filled with the most delicious candy calling my name.  Its power over me is greater than the desire to have Stacy Keibler's legs.  Screw it...I'll start running on Monday.